God knows...
He knows every detail of your life better than you even do. He knows exactly what you're going through better than you do. He knows exactly what will happen before you will. He knows every tear &/or every laugh you have before you have them. He knows you intimately...He made you, so He should know you, right? Thing is...He knows you better than even your parents know you. He CHOSE to create you & bring about blessings through who you are in this world. Now breathe...let out the sigh of relief knowing you've been resisting for so long & CAN let go so to let God!
God cares...
He cares so deeply for you. Have you went through bad things, both voluntarily or involuntarily? Sure...but those things weren't wasted. God can use anything or anyone He wishes to cause His purpose in your life. He cares about the hurt you feel...He cares about the pain you go through...He cares about the joy you experience even if for a short time...He cares about the things that make your eyes twinkle. He provides daily those things that cause a smile to come across your face or a happy tear to form in your eye. He wants nothing more than to spend His time with YOU!
God is willing...
He is willing to take on what you think is only yours to carry &/or fix. He is willing to fight for you...maybe like no one ever has in your life. He is willing to be rejected so to welcome you back home when you realize He is all you ever need. He is willing to allow that which He hates in your life so to cause that which He loves. He is willing to meet you exactly where you are right now. He is willing to carry your load & give you rest!
God is able...
He is able to do immeasurably more than we can think or ask! He is able to move mountains in your life so to accomplish His plan. He is able to cause miracles right before your very eyes. He is able to love you like no one human ever CAN! He is able to be everything you need exactly when you need it. He is able to hold you when you cry & dance with you when you are happy. He is able to hear your hurt, frustration, anger, ugliness...yet still love you anyway!
Now the questions remain:
- Do I believe God truly knows me & my situation(s) inside & out?
- Do I feel God cares for me or have I accepted & believed the lie that He's angry with me, hates me, etc?
- Am I willing to let God be God in my life & let go of the stuff I have white-knuckled fists around?
- Am I able to choose anything other than myself so to let God show His awesome power in my life?
God made you. God made you GOOD. He only makes good things. We tend to mess it up when we CHOOSE bad & think we are bad people. Wrong! We are good people who can make bad choices. Jesus proved His love in that while we were in our ugliness of sin & murky water, He died & defeated death for us! Have you had anyone else die & defeat death for you?? You are worth it!!!
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